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PCT 22' Strava journal - Day 24

Mt. Baden Powell - Highway 2 (Mile 379 - 401)

The descend off Mt. Baden Powell is absolutely beautiful. I end up hiking in the middle of a boy scout group before reaching the parking lot where we got surprised by trail magic. 

This has to be the best trail magic so far: fresh fruits, yoghurt, oats, sandwiches, avocado, eggs... they have everything you would expect to get from a five star hotel breakfast buffet. Thomas and Bleeder nerd out over a huge map and learn some inside information of the trail ahead.

Turned out the extra energy was very much needed because our climb up to Mt. Williamson is challenging. The way up is steep and exposed. We hike through burned forest and my legs feel weak after climbing Mt. Baden Powell yesterday. The steep descend brings no relief.

Once down the mountain we take lunch at a proper picknick table followed by a 5 mile road walk. The PCT is closed to protect the yellow-legged mountain frog and its habitat. We set up camp shortly after the 400 mile mark and play some cards!

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