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PCT 22' Strava journal - Day 37

Robin bird spring - Dove spring canyon (Mile 602 - 622)

Absolutely loved this day on trail!! First miles we walk through a pine tree forest where Thomas and Marit spot their first black bear on trail (so jealous I missed this). After some very nice miles the PCT suddenly runs out of the forest into the vast landscape of the Mojave dessert. The vegetation changes impressively and we see Joshua trees, Yucca plants and cacti everywhere. After all those miles I'm still not tired of these desert views. 

Not far after we cross the 1000km mark. We take some group pictures and in the afternoon strong winds start to flare up. We eventually find a small but sheltered spot next to big rock where we lay down our mattresses close to one another, a trail family of 6. We got spectacular views over the Mojave and the night sky views were just incredible.

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