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PCT 22' Strava journal - Day 54

Muir pass (Mile 829 - 851)

A first draft:


Today, we hike over the iconic Muir pass. Definitely the most beautiful pass of this section so far but extremely difficult. The last 3 miles are still covered in snow and the way up is slow. In the afternoon I feel the altitude and the sun are taking its toll. The last miles downhill are very hard and I struggle finding energy to hike on. We find a sheltered camping spot in mosquito hell.

It's hard to describe my experience in the Sierra's so far. My thoughts are consumed by the moment. Every day is about pushing yourself and making calculations on how far you will make it. It feels strange to be in an environment this far from any form of civilisation and being emerged in the nature around me. Sometimes I forget to take it all in because it feels so natural already.

The Sierra's has been different than the dessert, more extreme, but I know that I absolutely loved every single day on the PCT so far and I'm very excited about what's still to come.

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